The Institute for Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Therapies is based on centuries-old Ayurvedic therapies and scientifically proven modern Naturopathic research and principles. We have combined the wisdom of the past with the science-based knowledge of the present to recreate the balance and harmony to help you regain your health. Treatments and therapies are selected based on your individual needs according to your body type or metabolic type.
Ayurveda, meaning the “Science of Life,” is more than a 5,000 year old system of medicine which recognizes the uniqueness in all of us and believes in the body’s intelligence and the healing power within. According to Ayurveda, our body type is the combination of three doshas—Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are the basic governing agents of nature. The balance of these doshas is health and imbalance is disease. The basis of Ayurveda lies in prevention, supporting the immune system, and the body’s natural ability to repair and resist disease.
Naturopathic medicine focuses on the healing power of nature. Naturopathic medicine blends centuries-old, natural, time-tested, non-toxictherapies with current advances in the study of health; covering every aspect of family health from prenatal to geriatric care. Naturopathic medicine concentrates on whole-patient wellness, while finding the underlying cause of the patient’s condition(s), and emphasizing prevention.
The 7 principles of Naturopathic Medicine are embodied in the care we provide:
- Primum Non Nocere (first do no harm)
- Tolle Causum (Treat the cause)
- Tolle Totum (Treat the whole person)
- Prevenir (Prevention)
- Docere (Doctor as Teacher)
- Vis Medicatrix naturae (The Healing power of Nature).
At the Institute, we treat the whole individual not the disease. Illness is created by an imbalance in the body and we support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. We combine the unique therapies of Ayurveda with Naturopathy and Acupuncture to create an individualized treatment program to match your body-type or metabolic type to achieve the optimum healing benefits from treatment. These treatments have been proven to be very effective in the treatment of most of the chronic conditions in children, adults, and the elderly.